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Bad Breath Ain't Always That Bad
โดย : Odette   เมื่อวันที่ : จันทร์ ที่ 29 เดือน สิงหาคม พ.ศ.2565   

I'm always super sensitive about the breath of mine. I try to look after it, but at times, I'm a little bit off schedule. I really don't know when my breath is really bad.<br>In my view, I only know my breath is bad when the person standing in front of me passes out.<br>It's somewhat embarrassing to have bad breath, especially when you're in the organization of very advanced individuals. I have bad breath constantly because of my great delight in eating cheese. The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage warns me all of the time that eating cheese is going to create bad breath. I know she is right, but cheese is extremely delicious.<br><br>I was boarding an aircraft to go north when the thought struck me I'd taken in a block of cheese before I got to the terminal. I was wondering whether my breath smelled terrible or not. I made an effort to test it on myself however, it never registered with the nose of mine.<br><br><img src="https://danilin.biz/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/prodent.jpg" style="max-width:410px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">I know I have a nose, but my nose does prodentim work (<a href="https://www.thedailyworld.com/marketplace/prodentim-reviews-does-it-work-2/">Read Webpage</a>) not know when to smell anything. The one thing my nose does for me is sneeze, especially when I'm not prepared. So, I cannot smell things the manner by which my wife does. She is able to smell an odor 7 days before it is produced!<br>How she does that I won't ever understand and at my stage in life I'm never ever going to ask her.<br>Based on her, bad breath is always bad, and that is exactly why they call it "bad breath." The contention of mine is, bad is a relative thing. One person smells a proven way, another individual smells the other way along with the twain shall never collide. What's harmful to a single person might not be detrimental to somebody else.<br><br>I have a pattern of <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=nibbling">nibbling</a> on cheese. At times, my wife thinks that I am just a mouse. Actually, she uses the term "rat," but that's a different story. I just love cheese. When I come home the initial thing I do is go to the fridge, leave a block of cheese, slice it, go sit down and like nibbling on that cheese never concerned about the bad breath it might create.

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