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Calcium - The Key To Quick Weight Loss
โดย : Luella   เมื่อวันที่ : จันทร์ ที่ 20 เดือน มิถุนายน พ.ศ.2565   

Are you dieting the way of yours to bone loss?<br>Are you aware that the diet program you follow may be depleting the bones of yours of essential nutrients and increasing your odds of developing osteoporosis? keto diet beauty benefits (<a href="https://www.kitsapdailynews.com/national-marketplace/ketogenic-diet-overview-the-low-carb-high-fat-diet-plan/">Click on www.kitsapdailynews.com</a>) programs which are Preferred could promise fast weight loss, but calcium as well as other essential nutrients are generally lacking from the menu, which may cause bone loss.<br>And women who consistently restrict the things they consume to avoid putting on the weight might undermine the health of their bones, according to research by ARS researchers in California. (1)<br>The study looked at the eating behavior of females between the ages of eighteen and 50 and discovered that those classified as "restrained eaters" had significantly lower bone mineral density and <a href="http://www.stockhouse.com/search?searchtext=bone%20mineral">bone mineral</a> content (key signs of overall bone strength as well as health) compared to girls who claimed they were not concerned about what they ate.<br>"Exercise and eating a well-balanced diet with sufficient calcium, are 2 of the best methods to keep your bones strong and healthy." advise the researchers.<br>Calcium is not just good for your bones but can help you <a href="http://www.newsweek.com/search/site/maintain">maintain</a> a strong, low fat diet also. We have witnessed increasing media coverage about numerous studies showing that a diet loaded with calcium helps reduce body fat.<br>Why is calcium crucial in weight reduction?<br>Calcium is a fat burner. High-calcium diet programs seem to favor burning instead of storing fat. Researchers say this is because calcium saved in fat cells plays an important role in body fat storage and breakdown.

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