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Walgreens and Target are the latest retailers to pull all... <br><br><br><br><b>Share this article</b><br><br>Share<br><br><br>Between 1996 and 2013, prescriptions for benzodiazepines, the powerful class of drugs that Xanax belongs to, increased by 67 percent, according to a University of Pennsylvania study. <br><br>And the Americans with those prescriptions have been getting more pills with them, with the number of tablets doled out tripling over that same span of time. <br><br>Benzodiazepines - commonly referred to as simply 'benzos' - were first considered a safer alternative to the addictive 'sleep cures,' barbiturates, and Xanax was thought a safer successor to Valium. <br><br>But in recent years, benzos and Xanax in particular have gotten a bad rap, too, fueling a growing number of addictions and overdoses.   <br><br><br><br><br>Alongside its recall, Mylan published this image of the labeling that would be on bottles of the affected Alprazolam <br><br>Now, generic Xanax is the latest drug in recent years' slew to be suspected to have a contamination of some sort. <br><br>Just in the last year, popular blood pressure drugs like Valsartan and the heartburn drug, Zantac, have been recalled after a cancer-causing contaminant, NDMA, was detected in the supply. <br><br>Since 2013, drug companies have had to recall about 8,000 medicines, a report from Kaiser Health News found.  <br><br>Mylan did not reveal what kind of 'foreign substance' might be in its batch of Alprazolam, but the risk of 'infection' suggests it is not the same carcinogenic chemical - but could be any number of other materials.  <br><br>How, exactly, foreign objects, substances and contaminants get into the drug supply is difficult to determine, but often involves human error, unsanitary conditions, machine glitches or unforeseen between substances used to make the drugs.  <br><br>For its part, Mylan is urging patients taking its 0.5 mg Alprazolam tablets to call the distributor Stericyde (1-888-843-0255) if they think they may have received a potentially contaminated bottle of the drugs. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Read more: <br><br>How Tainted Drugs Reach Market And Make Patients SickerKaiser Health News<br><br>https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-buy-valium-online-5mg-buy-valium-online_sq_f12073673_1.html<br>http://www.conganat.org/9congreso/trabajo.asp?id_trabajo=5712<br>http://www.conganat.org/9congreso/vistaImpresion.asp?id_trabajo=5716<br>http://www.conganat.org/9congreso/vistaImpresion.asp?id_trabajo=5716<br>https://www.ivoox.com/order-valium-online-overnight-cheap-diazepam-next-audios-mp3_rf_112001338_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/buy-valium-no-prescription-cheap-diazepam-next-audios-mp3_rf_112010595_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-buy-valium-online-5mg-buy-valium-online_sq_f12073673_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/order-valium-online-a-guide-to-finding-audios-mp3_rf_111978814_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/en/podcast-buy-valium-no-prescription-cheap-diazepam-nextday_sq_f12073667_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-buy-valium-online-5mg-buy-valium-online_sq_f12073673_1.html<br><br>and Lynette tells Preston she knows he is mad at her but hopes he will forgive her eventually. of this subdivision and any substance that contains any quantity of their salts, isomers (whether optical, positional, or geometric), homologues, and salts of isomers and homologues, unless specifically excepted, whenever the existence of these salts, isomers, homologues, and salts of isomers and homologues is possible within the specific chemical designation. 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