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Therefore, patients experience lethargy for 1-2 days after taking the medicine. They feel weak in the morning. Those who keep feeling this way for a long time usually switch to Xanax (another benzodiazepine). This substance has a much shorter half-life and is excreted from the body faster. <br><br>Purchase DIAZEPAM, Giannini AJ (1999). Drug Abuse. Hirota K, Okawa H, Appadu BL, Grandy DK, Devi LA, Lambert DG (January 1999). "Stereoselective interplay of ketamine with recombinant mu, kappa, and delta opioid receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells". Hirota K, Sikand KS, Lambert DG (1999). "Interaction of ketamine with mu2 opioid receptors in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells". Can A, Zanos P, Moaddel R, Kang HJ, Dossou KS, Wainer IW, et al. Ghosh S, Sinha JK, Khan T, Devaraju KS, Singh P, Vaibhav K, Gaur P (April 2021). "Pharmacological and Therapeutic Approaches within the Treatment of Epilepsy". Singh I, Morgan C, Curran V, Nutt D, Schlag A, McShane R (May 2017). 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