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For all such people Xanax is a savior for it reduces the anxiety symptoms to a great extent but the basic disadvantage with its usage are that it is habit formative in nature. When used to treat anxiety, the person gets so addicted to its intake that he becomes highly dependent on the drug.<br><br>That is the basic reason why Xanax bars are necessarily to be consumed only under a health practitioner's guidance. Once dependence has set in, it becomes extremely difficult to come out of the habit and results in a lot of withdrawal symptoms too. There are numerous side effects that regular usage of the generic Xanax and it has to be taken in the prescribed dosage and never more than that.<br><br>Belonging to the drug group Alprazolam, one can buy Xanax on the online platform. As the drug is a highly sought after one by many people, online drug stores too, stock up the medicine in abundance. 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But this small dosage itself might kick off a number of side effects. When these are identified, you must rush to the pharmacist or the doctor to overcome the same. There are a few drugs which do not gel well with Xanax. 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