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Can Wireless Replace Wearables?
โดย : Solomon   เมื่อวันที่ : ศุกร์ ที่ 10 เดือน กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ.2566   

<p>Q our life happens, no more latest technology topic <a href="https://keycodesoftware.com/">https://keycodesoftware.com/</a> than wearable sensors. For example earlier, the other day, apple announced a future health kit application for mobile phones, which monitors the health of the one who watches. But these events, like fitbit's recent recall of over one million fitness bands due to skin irritation in players, and, among other things, a study published last week that shows health trackers remain less capacious than a $25 pedometer, allow suggest that wearables have their downsides.</p> <p>Then imagine if there was an assembly technique that monitors your vitals without touching a male member&#8212;quite likely, even from another room. </p><p>Such sci-fi dreams come true. , Thanks to research done in the mit computer science and ai laboratory (csail) wireless circuit.</p><p>Last year, the csail team developed a wireless system that can control changes through a wall. . Their latest report shows that they are now able to detect subtle gestures such as the rise and fall of a person's chest. Depending on whether they are able to determine the pulse of people with 99 percent accuracy. The study could be used for heredity tracking software, baby monitors, and also for the needs of the army and law enforcement agencies.</p><p>"Traditionally, it has remained extremely difficult to capture such tiny movements that happen with a speed of only millimeters per second ," says mit electrical engineering and virtual sciences professor dina katabi, co-author of the paper, which is quite leading the wireless communications center. "Being able to do this with cost-effective and reassuring technology opens up to users the chance to monitor the responses to posted vital signs themselves."</p><p>The team, which includes robert miller, professor of electrical engineering and virtual sciences, and in addition, graduate students fadel adib and zach kabalek have also developed the ability to track the movements of up to four individuals, which may prove important for search and rescue operations (for example, when emergency services are trying to find survivors in a burning building).</p> <p>As described in other early mit news articles, the system works by transmitting a low-power wireless signal and using its reflections to detect movement. People. He wants to do this even if people live in sealed rooms or hide behind a wall.</p><p>Because the signal is transmitted through the wall, some of the signal gets through it, bouncing off the newcomer to the other side. However, due to signal interference from other objects, the team had to create a technology to mute unwanted reflections.</p>

เข้าชม : 151

ความคิดเห็นที่ 1
เสาร์ ที่ 25 เดือน กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ.2566 เวลา 21:19:14
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ความคิดเห็นที่ 2
พุธ ที่ 1 เดือน มีนาคม พ.ศ.2566 เวลา 20:15:15
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